Dynamic Lights Press Release Section
What people say about us (Shape, 2005)
What people say about us (Resurrection, 2002)
High-resolution Photos
Web-optimized Photos
PDF Files
What people say about Shape
DPRP (May 2005):
“Two years ago I reviewed the self-produced debut of this young Italian band, called Resurrection. I concluded the review with stating that the band definitely had potential, but wasn't quite there yet. I must admit that since then I've not listened to Resurrection more than a handful occasions, and I had somewhat forgotten about them until this album got dropped through my mailbox. After hearing the new album, I doubt this will happen again.”
By Bart Jan van der Vorst
Flash Magazine (issue 195 - May 2005):
“…Insomma, su Shape c’è metal energico e trascinante, ma anche molti momenti lirici ed espressivi di grande forza poetica. Siamo sicuri che questo sarà solo il primo capitolo di una lunga e promettente carriera…”
“This is complex, emotional, highly sophisticated and melodic progressive rock with just the heavy guitar riffs putting them in the metal category. Highly recommended.”
Rock Hard Magazine (issue 32 - April 2005):
“…Shape è senz’altro un esordio di qualità…non esitate a far vostro questo gioiellino made in Italy…”
By Riccardo Arena
Concrete Web (June 2005):
“Dynamic Lights mix old and new style Prog into something quite unheard before. No need to tell you I simply lóve this...another one for the 'Best Albums Of 2005' list!”
By Tony
Metal Hammer (issue 6/05 - June 2005):
“…I tratti distintivi di questa band sono già tracciati e validi in termini di originalità e spessore...Che l’Italia abbia trovato un altro grande gruppo da iscrivere al fianco dei mostri sacri dei celeberrimi anni 70?”
By Andrea Vignati
EUTK (June 2005):
“…Già dalle prime note di "Shape" (la splendida "In the Hands of a Siren") questi dubbi vengono letteralmente spazzati via dall'enorme classe dei Dynamic Lights, capaci di dar vita ad otto canzoni di altissima qualità.”
By Marco Pessione
Babylon Magazine (May 2005):
“…Una bellissima combinazione di tempi tipicamente progressive, intensità emotiva, capacità tecnica, dolcezza, grinta…”
By Tiziana Calmieri
Idbox.it (May 2005):
“…ogni singola composizione porta con se moltissimi elementi personali, ed allo stesso tempo innovativi, che li vedono imporsi come una delle più originali rock band uscite in Italia negli ultimi anni…”
By Gianluca Quinto
Truemetal.it (September 2005):
“…Oltre alla varietà stilistica quello che colpisce è una tecnica sopraffina non fine a se stessa, ma una fusione di essa asservita alla creazione di sentimenti ed atmosfere che possono essere d’ogni genere. Speriamo che la tradizione inaugurata nei magici settanta da gruppi come PFM e Banco, continui con i Dynamic Lights in quanto posseggono le doti e la giusta attitudine per differenziarsi dalla miriade di bands che affollano il panorama musicale.”
By Francesco Prussi |
What people say about Resurrection
Metal Shock (issue 356 - 1/15 April 2002): Top Demo, 10/10
“…Dynamic Lights are a new and exciting band which clearly
confirms the potentiality of the ones who follow the heart and don’t
copy or chase trends to play music…”
by ALM
Flash Magazine (issue 162 - July 2002):
“…Dynamic Lights, who self produced “Resurrection”,
a record that will certainly pave the way for a big label’
deal. There’s not a single note out of its place in this beautiful
progressive metal fresco…”
by LV
Metallus (March 2002): Demo highlight, 5/5
“…let yourself loose amidst the tempest of deceiving
shadows and shining lights produced by a band who finally uses prog
metal to create emotions. Great Dynamic Lights!”
by Andrea Evolti
Metal.it (July 2002): Top Demo, 9/10
“The sonic quality is very, very good, and the songs illustrate
impeccable songwriting. This band really demonstrates to play and
play it well, showing the ability to learn all the tricks of the
genre’ masters and to reproduce them in a personal way.”
by Elio Bordi
HMPortal (May 2002): Top Notch, 9,5/10
“…not many times I have found myself singing along the
tracks taken from a demo. With “Resurrection” I also
started to read the lyrics to better follow the music!”
by Diego Pierini
Hi-res Photos
We have photos of our band taken in a photo-set. If you need these high-resolution
(300 dpi) photos for using them in reviews, magazines or websites, you
can download them for free.
We only have a request: you must use the photos as they are, with no
modifications or alterations.
If you need further photos, just email to Raffa.
Dynamic Lights
Height: 16cm - 6,3 "
Width: 8,4cm - 3,3"
Resolution: 300 dpi
Color: Grayscale
File size: 1.8 MB |
Dynamic Lights
Height: 15cm - 5,9 "
Width: 8,6cm - 3,3"
Resolution: 300 dpi
Color: CMYK
File size: 7.4 MB |
Dynamic Lights
Height: 16cm - 6,3 "
Width: 9,8cm - 3,8"
Resolution: 300 dpi
Color: CMYK
File size: 8.9 MB
|  |
Dynamic Lights
Height: 16cm - 6,3 "
Width: 8,7cm - 3,4"
Resolution: 300 dpi
Color: Grayscale
File size: 1.8 MB |
Matteo Infante - Vocals
Height: 8cm - 3,9"
Width: 8cm - 3,9"
Resolution: 300 dpi
Color: CMYK
File size: 3.9 MB |
Giovanni Bedetti - Keyboard
Height: 8cm - 3,9"
Width: 8cm - 3,9"
Resolution: 300 dpi
Color: CMYK
File size: 3.9 MB |
Marco Poderi - Guitars
Height: 8cm - 3,9"
Width: 8cm - 3,9"
Resolution: 300 dpi
Color: CMYK
File size: 3.9 MB |
Raffaele Mariotti - Bass
Height: 8cm - 3,9"
Width: 8cm - 3,9"
Resolution: 300 dpi
Color: CMYK
File size: 3.9 MB |
Simone Del Pivo - Drums
Height: 8cm - 3,9"
Width: 8cm - 3,9"
Resolution: 300 dpi
Color: CMYK
File size: 3.9 MB |
Web-optimized Photos
Here we provide web-optimized photos that takes only a few Kb, so please don't
even re-compress them!
You can use them for your reviews of "Shape", or for
If you need further photos, just email to Raffa.
PDF Files
You can download PDF files of our press release, flyers, concert posters,
and so on...
You need Adobe® Reader® in order to see them. Check
you computer's OS:
Mac OS X: use Preview (included), or download it from Adobe®
Mac OS 9: download
it from Adobe®
Windows: download
it from Adobe®
Linux: use XPDF, or download
it from Adobe®
1: A short bio of Dynamic Lights
2: Poster for the concert of "Live@Live" 25/01/2002 - Ancona (Italy)
Flyer 3: Poster for "Live at Fuzz" 22/09/2005 - Pesaro (Italy)
Flyer 4: Poster for "Live at Locanda Atlantide" 07/03/2006 - Rome (Italy)
Copyright © 2001-2006 Raffaele Mariotti
All rights reserved